Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Alterian's SM2 hits the NIU campus!

This past week and a half we have had Alterian in our classroom twice in Marketing Technology to learn about how to analyze social media data. We learned some general background on social media and then learned the SM2 tool for use in the class project. What I learned is that it is important to look at not only frequency of mention as well as sentiment. Those companies that were ranked highest in mentions for the Super Bowl were not necessarily those that ranked highest in terms of sentiment.

Using SM2 I also realized how much of an art as well as a science these tools are. Looking through the social media postings for a particular topic I got a good feeling for the company I was researching in terms of their major competitors and how people think about the brand. As a quantitative researcher I was worried about how representative the sample was and how to really quantify some of this 'squishy' data. Still, SM2 is helpful in understanding how people think about your brand and we have emphasized the importance of technology for brand building in our class.

Is social media monitoring 'squishy' or valuable?

1 comment:

The Squeezes said...

I believe social media monitoring can be both "squishy" and valuable. Many times certain slang or jargon on the internet can be mistaken for the opposite of what is intended. For example, a word that is usually negative could be intended as a positive reference in terms of slang. Even the best analyzing software cannot determine such complexity.

However, social media monitoring can be a valuable source to uncover any positive feedback towards a brand, product, or service. There are millions of comments posted on a daily basis within various social media outlets; and software like Alterian's SM2 makes such analyzation more effective and efficient for many organizations.