Sunday, August 8, 2010

Social media challenges for educators

This past week I was on a panel on social media at the PrepMe College Readiness Institute. The audience was educators and counselors at the high school level and also on the panel were Linda Tuncay Zayer from Loyola and David Koehler from UIC. The Chicago Public School system has banned educators from communicating with students in any other forum than the CPS email. I assume the CPS wants to keep a handle on communication and protect everyone involved. Here is the problem: The younger generations don't like email, preferring social media and texting for communication. We have trouble at NIU getting students to read email even when money is involved, like scholarships.

I suggested that the CPS start its own social network, perhaps on Ning, to engage students and share information. We use social networking extensively in our Interactive Marketing program. We have a special group under my page to share job information and other updates and do the same in Linkedin. We are also going to be starting a Facebook fan page for the IM program because the program has become so big that we need a little bit more formal way to communicate. I don't know how I would let students know about jobs when they are five years out without Facebook. I have been a member since 2005 and it is a great way to stay in touch.

We also talked about the negatives of social media, including fostering a short attention span and poor communication skills. We wonder what the next generation will be like? Will they be able to or even need to write a business memo. Any comments?


Mel Smith said...

As long as business memos foster the process of securing capital or meeting a buyer's needs then someone will write write them. Properly used, I think social networks can broaden the audience for and speed the delivery of well-written memos.

Chris Consorte said...

I'd agree with the author. As an educator for over 10 years, I've found that writing skills are declining.

The distaste for email, combined with tweeting and other shortened social media communications, add to the problem.

Ultimately, I don't see business plans or strategic planning changing anytime soon. Students will need to embrace writing overall or be left with no capital for their own start-ups.

Unknown said...

I always thought good leadership was about jumping in front of where things were at and say this way!! I think we have some different paradigms at work here, the old not working here (email???) and will be ignored. If you want to be listened to, then maybe go where the kids are now. I think the answer is that social media, is social media. Where's a Marshall Mcluhan quote when you need one??

Anonymous said...

Hi, I found you through a search on google. I have a client who is associated with someone who indicated they took a web marketing online training course at NIU. Is this a course you offer and if so, how do I sign up and when does it start?

Debra Zahay-Blatz said...

Dear Jessica,
Hi. I cannot access your profile but contact me about the online class at Thanks for all your comments.