Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Database Marketing at NIU

Accoriding to a recent ebook, the U.S. Educational system is failing in terms of the demand for skilled workers and there is predicted to be a 1.5 million shortfall in terms of the number of workers that can anlayze data and make effective decisions. Here at NIU we are working to bridge that gap and help our students be productive in the workforce.

As the semester ends I want to say how proud I am of each student in database marketing class at NIU this year. The students stepped up to the plate and learned a great deal in terms of how to prepare data for analysis and various statistical modelling techniques. Their final project was to find patterns in real-life company data and build a valid model around that data. They used regression, logistic regression, clustering and other techniques. More importantly, they learned how to recognize what technique to use and in what context. Whether they become modelers or not, and most won't, they have a rich understanding of how these techniques are used in the workplace and I have a real sense of pride in their accomplishments. Anyone looking for undergraduates to train in this area can look to our Interactive Program.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Using Screenr for class demonstrations

I teach database marketing and marketing technology in the spring and plan to use to create simple demonstrations of how to use statistical procedures and aspects of google adwords. I think this will help the students learn the material as they can easily look up the keystrokes after class. Here is a sample of my first effort. I am NIUIMPROF on screenr and a youtube channel is next!