Establishing Google Authorship Can Be Easy
This post summarizes how to create Google Authorship on your blog posts and other content. There has been a lot of talk about Google Authorship and I have read some excellent posts about how to be credited in search results on Google. I have shown an example above of how my blog shows up on Google when I am logged in to Gmail in the above screen shot. I am shown with my picture, my name as shown on my G+ profile and the number of my G+ Circles. This type of display is the goal. +Andy Crestodina helped me establish this authorship in search I followed the instructions that he presented at the January Chicago AMA Meet the Experts Night. It took a few weeks but everything is showing up in search quite nicely now. Even in my blog authorship shows up after I followed these steps.I think the key is to understand that there is a way to do this even if you are not blogging on a domain where you have an email on that same domain. In my classes we use publicly available tools like WordPress or Blogger so we needed a way to link authorship without the verifiable email address.
Briefly, you need the following:
1) Put a nice head shot on your G+ Profile
2) Use the same name on your profile as your byline, i.e., "By Debra Zahay-Blatz"
3) Copy and past HTML code into your blog that establishes the link. Some code is on my slideshare presentation on this subject and on Andy's blog.
I also think it is important to set up your G+ profile properly with links to everything to which you contribute so these items can all show up in search as well. Good luck establishing authorship and don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. My slideshare presentation also shows how to link Google Analytics to your blog, which is extremely helpful in tracking activity and seeing information who you are reaching and how long they stay on the page.
The slideshare also covers assessing your online presence, Filling out your Google+ Profile, Pursuisng Authorship and how to link your blog to Google Analytics. The byline from the code is shown below.
By Debra Zahay-Blatz.
You can find Debra on Google+ and Twitter as well as LinkedIn.
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